A virtual training platform for women entrepreneurs of South Asia developed under the project implemented by Wesellonline.co

Wesellonline - Ecommerce Training and Lead Generation Platform for Women Entrepreneurs of South Asia

WESELLONLINE (Women Entrepreneurs SELL ONLINE) is a training platform, designed to build the capacity of women entrepreneurs in South Asia to leverage the potential of e-Commerce for expanding their business. The women entrepreneurs receiving training in e-Commerce under the Wesellonline project will be able to display their products at the platform to generate queries from potential customers, for possible business opportunities. However, the platform cannot be used for conducting actual sell-purchase which must be conducted outside of the platform. It is only a platform for hands-on training/demonstration purposes for the participants of the program as a part of their learning activities. Once trained, entrepreneurs are expected to list their products at one of the e-marketplaces available in their respective countries or develop their own platforms for conducting their business.

To be part of this platform, eligible participants of the Wesellonline training programs are invited to register themselves as an entrepreneur. Once the registration process is successfully completed, women entrepreneurs can showcase their products and other details, while the customers looking for relevant products can raise inquiries with the respective women entrepreneurs.

Wesellonline takes no responsibility for the validity of the claims made by the entrepreneurs displaying their products at the platform about their products/services. It is only for demonstration/ training purposes.